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E-Diplomacy May 2023

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E-diplomacy walks the line between continuity and change in our digital era.

Diplomatic activities are increasingly supported by internet and digital tools, and other information and communications technologies (ICTs). Diplomats rely on the internet to find information, communicate with colleagues via email, and negotiate draft texts in electronic format; diplomats are also increasingly using new social networking platforms such as blogs and Facebook. This course focuses on the opportunities and challenges internet tools offer for diplomatic activities. It also examines the policy implications inherent in these processes.

Questions discussed include: How do we address the (mis)use of social media not only in public diplomacy, but in all diplomatic outreach and networking? How can we optimise the use of information, including confirming veracity and sources? Who is responsible for our cybersecurity? Can we really negotiate online? Can we find a balance between transparency and security? What are the best ways to implement online engagement to realise its advantages for inclusion and economy without losing the advantages of face-to-face meetings?

This course can be taken as part of the Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance.

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